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LEI renewal


Select a plan

Save money and avoid annual renewal hassle with multiyear plans.

1 year 1 year
€59  / year €65  / year
Total €59 €65
3 years 3 years
€50  / year €55  / year
Total €150 €165
5 years 5 years
€45  / year €49  / year
Total €225 €245
2 3

Complete the form

Input all the necessary details for both the entity and the applicant.

Legal Address

Note: if the start date of the child-parent relationship is after the end of accounting period, please return to the question "Does the parent consolidate financial statements/annual report?" and mark "No" as the answer.

Note: if the start date of the child-parent relationship is after the end of accounting period, please return to the question "Does the parent consolidate financial statements/annual report?" and mark "No" as the answer.

Questions and answers